Monday 9 September 2013

Living sustainably in the city in France

Hey everyone today I'm writing a post about tips how to live sustainable in the big city. My tips are easy to follow and I think won't cost you an arm and a leg. Remember to check out my Emergency Numbers and How to pronounce French words website. Here are the tips to follow: 

Try walking instead of driving your car or talking a cab. If you can’t walk you can also ride your bike, carpool or make use of public transportation.

Stay away from you television. Watching a lot of TV not only takes up a lot of electricity but also takes up a lot of your personal time. It’s a total waste you could have spent that time living, exercising, gardening, laughing and more.

Support local produce by eating fresh and local foods. You can grow these foods in your own garden, buy it from a local farmer or get it from a local grocery store and maybe you could even learn How to pronounce French words in the process whilst in France.

If you are not using it make sure it’s turn off. This includes water, computers, chargers, tv’s – the rest you can come up by yourself. You won’t believe how much money you could save by doing this. If you can remember to save the Emergency Numbers directly on your mobile device to save time there to.

Don’t buy useless stuff! Stop buying stuff that you are programmed to think you need when in fact you’ll never need it ever! Also give away stuff you don’t need and never use.

Okay everyone I hope the article was informing. Come back next time for more quality information on living sustainable in today’s day and age.

Saturday 7 September 2013

6 Reasons to grow your own vegetables

Hello everyone today I’m going to post a nice article about building a sustainable life for you and your family. I believe that one of the most important steps to this is having your own vegetable garden to help you rely less on conventional method for getting food and to help you and your family stay healthy by eating organic vegetables.

Over the last few years a lot of farming techniques have been adjusted to use pesticides, additives, herbicides and more mass-production techniques. These techniques are affecting the quality of food we eat and our health as a human race. Evidence of that is the fact that new diseases spread rapidly among humans and animals such as bird flu.

If you have any space in your garden or on your land it is recommended that you should grow your own vegetable garden. Here is seven good reasons for you to do so.

1. Your vegetables will contain no additives which can cause heart disease, osteoporosis, migraines and hyperactivity. 

2.  You will not use any pesticides or artificial fertilizers which are chemicals used to help crops grow all year round regardless of bad weather conditions and plagues. These chemicals are poisonous to humans and affect the quality of vegetables.

3. The vegetables you grow will not be genetically modified by drugs, hormones and antibiotics that are used to grow larger and more vegetables. These vegetables that are full of drugs usually looks the same as normal vegetables but are totally tasteless.

4. When you eat vegetables that are organically grown by you they will be much healthier for you and your family. These vegetables will not contain any of the nasty chemicals and drugs mentioned above. You will not risk your health by eating these vegetables.

5. The taste of your own vegetables will be much better than those using drugs and chemicals to make the vegetables grow unnaturally. The food you cook will be much better!

6. Farming organically is much more environment friendly because you don’t use any chemicals. You won’t earthier damage the soil. 

Okay everyone I hope you enjoyed the article and don’t forget to start your organic vegetable garden soon!

Friday 6 September 2013

Living a sustainable life

Hey everyone today I’m writing my second post on sustainability and this post we will talk about the responsibility we have as human beings and how small change in many lives can lead to big change in the world. Please note that I’m not a scholar or professor, but just a person who thinks we can all take a few steps to make the world a better place. We can all improve ourselves by learning new things like learning a new language, for me it’s learning French, or adjusting our life style to leave less of a carbon footprint. All this can be done and more!

To promote sustainability it starts with no one else but you. It’s begins from you making a small change in your office or home and simply increasing your efforts as you become more aware of what going on around you. Besides helping the world buying the right products can save your family a lot of money and keep the environment clean by doing so. Sounds like a double bonus to me!

Buying products that are natural can benefit you and your family. The industry in healthy foods and natural / organic products have increased their business potential by 75% in the last 5 years. Lets talk a bit more on how living from natural products can benefit you and your family. I know I was going the sustainable route when I started writing this article but I got a bit distracted, please excuse.
You know what I’ll keep this information for a next blog post. 

For now just know that you can make a difference in this world by living more sustainable lives and supporting those trying to promote sustainable lives. I am also like to throw something random in every once and a while so go and have a look at this website if you have some time:

Have a nice day and come back tomorrow for more on living sustainable lives!

Thursday 5 September 2013

Hello everyone!

Hello to all! This is my first post of my brand new blog called Sustainability Centre. Here we'll discuss a lot of different methods about building a sustainable life for you and your family. I just love the idea of thinking that you can live completely off the land, not use any of the cities electricity, save a lot of money and decrease your carbon footprint. If you'll bare with me we'll discuss some great ideas here on this blog. I hope you enjoy it and I'll try to keep it updated regularly.

I'll be using a lot of great ideas from this website:
